Spirulina Found To Boost The Body’s Type 1 Interferon Response To Fight RNA Viral Infections “Including Coronavirus,” New Science Finds

Truth To Power

A new study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Disease on February 12 of this year reveals that spirulina may have tremendous potential to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response in fighting RNA viral infections. While no substance has yet been proven to treat or prevent coronavirus infections, many new candidates are emerging from the world of nutraceuticals. In fact, the title for this study is, “Nutraceuticals have potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses including influenza and coronavirus.” Several nutraceuticals are named in the study (see summary table below).

The study is found at this link:


There, study authors explain the mechanism by which a spirulina component called phycocyanobilin (PCB) mimics bilirubin, allowing it to “mimic the NAPDH oxidase inhibiting activity” which means it blocks a key physiological mechanism used by RNA viruses to replicate in the human body.

The study begins by explaining…

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